About Strawberry Hill Gothic...

   Hey, this is Katy and Katie! We are the creators of Strawberry Hill Gothic, a site dedicated to all of our obsessions. 

Name: Katy Sawyer
Age: Old enough to know better.

Colour: Red
Food: Brain food! (aka anything horrendously sugary!)
Drink: The red Shloer that resembles wine and seems to get me just as crazy.
Book: Follow Me Down by Julie Hearn
Film: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Nightwish song: Ghost Love Score
Nightwish member: Tuomas and Emppu. 
Nightwish quote: 'That's obscene. Apologize!' -Tuomas, Made In Hong Kong and Various Other Places Documentary, Drunken Uno Final Round.

Name: Katie Holopainen (She wishes)   
Age: Too young for Tuomas =(

Colour: Aubergine
Food: Canneloni
Drink: The white Shloer that resembles wine and seems to get me just as crazy.
Book: Once Upon a Nightwish by Mape Ollilia
Film: Underworld: Rise of the Lycans
Nightwish song: Ghost Love Score
Nightwish member: Tuomas and Emppu
Nightwish quote: 'The scent of a woman was not mine. The scent of a woman was not mine. How did I write that? It just isn't possible to start a song like that.' -Tuomas, End of Innocence, In his Summer Cottage.